Thursday, June 17, 2010


Last week was one of those crazy weeks. You know those kind of weeks where everything goes wrong and you think to yourself can it get any worse? I had one of those weeks where I was questioning God and myself on what I was doing. I was thinking, "Am I really doing what God has called me to do"? Am I really a good photographer? I have to remind myself that God has me where he wants me. It was a stressful week at work and my photography to do list was as long as the Nile River. Ok so maybe I am exaggerating a little bit, but for real it was long.

Last Thursday, I walked in our apartment and saw a half a dozen red,white, and pink roses on our dining room table with a card. As soon as I saw the roses I felt a warmth in my heart. As I read the card tears started to fall on my cheeks, not because I was sad but because it touched me and I was overwhelmed with something so small but yet so meaningful. I walked in our bedroom and saw there were more flowers and a Kit Kat bar (my fav). My husband constantly reminds me of who I am and what I can do. I am thankful for times like this, because it humbles me and makes me stronger.

Friday afternoon I drove to Pembroke, Ga to help my friend, Kimberly Wilson shoot a wedding. I had been looking forward to this all month, but with the week I had, I just did not feel like going. Of course I was still going to go, after all she was depending on me and I wanted to be true to my word. I stayed the whole weekend and had a blast. I don't think she will ever know how much it meant to me. We woke up early Saturday morning and drove to Waycross, Ga to shoot Tommy and Beth's wedding. This couple is adorable and I realized, I am doing what I absolutely love!!! I am in the process of editing their pictures but just thought I would post one picture.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome! But, don't ever again doubt your talent and what you have been called to do! You're amazing! Love you! Cindy
